Round 30. Closet Edit. 

Thirty days! I’ve been at this for 30 days! Clap with me!! Seriously though, I’m super pumped about this #30daychip.

The project is working. Each seemingly trivial or extremely sentimental piece I select (and sometimes put back for later in the year), survey, photograph and discard is making me better. I feel lighter, I treasure being among things that bring me joy.

Today’s edit: holiday decor and ornaments. This is a much needed edit. One I’ve put off, and so much so that my tree just came down today because I knew once I took the tree down I would store the items and wanted to only store what I was keeping, thus an intense procrastination. Alas, I took the tree down, sorted the items and packed away what to give and placed what I’m keeping in 2 bins in the guest bedroom. My donation pile is larger than my keep pile, feeling really good about that. The item I selected for photographic documentation of this edit is a handmade (the dough kind) Santa ornament from 1989. I love this ornament and it makes me happy each time I see it, but it’s crumbling and needs to return to the earth (it went in the discard pile).


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